It's for REAL! It's BACK! A downtown arts festival will be included in an expanded Westsylvania Weekend. On Memorial Day weekend, May 24th the Delaney Westsylvania Jazz and Blues Festival is closing down main street for a combined music and visual arts festival!

The Indiana Arts Council has combined forces with the Indiana Art Association, the Fox Clark Gallery, and your favorite gallery on Philly Street, The Artists Hand, to produce a whole arts festival that includes local, regional and national artists showing their wares. Art demonstrations and activities will also be included. If you are interested in exhibiting YOUR work, APPLICATIONS for booth spaces are now being received.
The Indiana Art Association OPEN ARTS EXHIBIT is included in the weekend's activities. Artists can enter up to 5 works for a small entry fee. Prizes will be awarded, but my goodness, just showing off the creative riches of our region is reward enough, don't you think!?